Assistant Professor
Fabiola Marino, PhD
Fabiola Marino obtained the master degree in Biology in 2012, at University of Calabria.
In 2013 she moved to the Magna Graecia University (UMG) of Catanzaro, where she started her Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine in the MacCardio Lab. She accordingly obtained her M.Phil. degree in 2014.
In 2017 she obtained the PhD degree in Life Sciences at UMG defending the thesis “c-kitpos Adult Multipotent Cardiac Stem Cells: A Model System to Study Cardiomyogenesis” under Prof. Torella’s supervision. Her PhD project was focused on the characterization of the murine endogenous cardiac stem cells, establishing the identity, abundancy and myogenic potential of multipotent CSCs in rodents.
In 2015, during her PhD program she joined the Laboratory of directed by Dr. Georgina M. Ellison-Hughes in the Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine of King’s College London, UK. In this period, she perfected her knowledge and skills with the techniques associated with c-kitpos cardiac stem cell identification using immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy.
Fabiola is currently Assistant Professor in the Experimental and Clinical Medicine Department @UMG. Her current main project is to assess the role of endogenous cardiac stem cells in cardiomyocyte replacement after selective genetic suicide of adult terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes. Her main skills are confocal microscopy analysis, assays for cardiac differentiation in vitro of embryonic stem cells and adult cardiac stem cells as well as other standard molecular biology techniques.